Google URL Builder: How to Create UTM Codes

Google URL Builder

Google URL Builder is a free web tool that Google which allows you to put your URL blog/Social post into this tool: so that you can track where your traffic is coming from.

Creating Your Google URL Builder

To bring up the Google URL Builder, you must type that into your Google and once this is complete URL Builder Analytics Help will pop up. Now you will be able to create a URL for every individual place that you want to share content.  To drive people to your homepage as well as your blog posts you will need to put in your campaign source, for example Google +, that would be your campaign source.  The term would be the specific post that you are trying to share. In order to get Google URL Builder to work you must add in a campaign source, a medium and a term and then hit submit. This will give you a long URL, which will be the same URL you provided with attached UTM codes. Within the URL you will see UTM source and UTM medium. This creates a link that not only goes to your blog or homepage; it will give you the information of where the traffic came from.  Once you receive this large URL you are going to want to condense it down to make it smaller and this will give you the ability to save it to wherever you need it.

Google URL Builder Analytics

In the Google Analytics you will be able to see the amount of people that have come to this specific post from various places, for example: Facebook and Twitter. You will be able to see the different channels that you are leveraging and how many people are going from these channels back to the specified blog post. No matter which way you go whether it’s for social channels like Facebook or Twitter or things like your email, you will be able to use the Google Analytics to see the through traffic of people with the use of UTM codes that get created once you use the Google URL Builder tool.

There are many ways to use the Google URL Builder to create UTM codes to help your business with incoming traffic. This will help you build more traffic and create more revenue for your online company. Find out more here

Additional Information also on this blog 'A Complete Guide to The New Google URL Builder'

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