Facebook Advertising: 4 Basic Steps You Should Take


Facebook became a social networking service with one of the biggest registered user databases in the world, allowing for even better Facebook Advertising possibilities, for businesses looking at aiming their marketing towards their targeted audience. Facebook has made a number of useful advertising solutions and tools that can be used to connect better with your customers and present your products. Here are 4 basic steps you should take when setting up your advertisement using Facebook.

Step 1: Creating Your Facebook Business Page using Facebook Advertising

Before you can start approaching your wanted audience with your advertisement, the first and basic step is to create your Facebook business page. After the creation of such page is completed, you can then star developing a brand personality, in order to bring potential customers closer and allow them to relate to your brand. After choosing one of the six categories for you Facebook business page e.g. brands or products, local businesses or places etc. you will be prompted to save your info, update your profile picture and begin advertisement. Whether you decide to start paying right away for the promotion of your page or doing it later down the line, is something you must decide on your own.

Step 2: Creating Your Facebook Advertisement for Your Page

When creating ads for your page there are two ways you can go about it. Two existing tools used for creation of ads are Power Editor and Facebook ads creator. If you are new to creating ads and lack the experience in usage of these platforms, it would be best to stick with Facebook ads creator for starters. With it you will be able to quickly create and launch your first advertising campaign. After gaining the needed experience, you can eventually switch to Power Editor, which can offer you more advanced features like the ability to filter your targeted audience and save target groups, create bulk advertisements that are able to import/export excel docs, advertise and develop unpublished posts etc.

Step 3: Choosing Your Advertisement Objectives

Knowing your advertisement objectives from the start is crucial for the success of your advertising campaign. What this means is that you must clearly define what it is that you are looking for e.g. more likes on your page, bringing your customers closer to you with better engagement or getting more clicks on URLs that will take your audience to your websites, increasing traffic value. Additionally all of your ads must be aligned with the objective you choose.

Step 4: Selecting Your Audience

Even if your advertisement has great design it does not mean it will produce the wanted results, if you are missing the mark with your target audience. This is where Facebook’s ability to separate audience in to different categories is very useful for advertisers. Some of those categories are age, gender, location, education level etc. There are other ways to find the right audience for you as Facebook can create custom audiences based on advertiser’s uploaded information. Additionally you can use custom audiences to create lookalike audiences based on the demographics they share.

Facebook Advertisement is a great way to get closer to your customers, bring in potential new ones, and increase your presence on the market. For any additional information feel free to contact us at www.tristarwebsolutions.co.uk.

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