Category Archives: Web Development

Ecommerce Increasing Sales by Improving Costumer Experience

Bringing in more revenue through increased sales for your Ecommerce store is closely connected to the experience your costumer will have on your website.  By improving that same experience, you will not only increase sales, but also form trust with your costumers. This will result in more conversations, attracting more traffic and new costumers. Here…
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SEO: What to Look for in an Agency

Making the increase in generated traffic through an organic search for your ecommerce website and ways you can achieve this, is always something you should be looking into. If you are lacking the experience and you chose to go with an SEO agency, here are a few things you should be looking for in one.…
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OpenCart: How to Improve Traffic and Sales

Regardless of how successful your store has become, you should always be searching for new ways to improve your OpenCart website. By doing so you can not only improve your sales, but costumer experience too, and a happy costumer could bring potential new ones. It is a circle, one that can benefit you greatly if…
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Advertisements: How to Improve Them

Whether the business is trying to keep up with or stay ahead of your competition, there is always one step in creating more revenue. Advertising is a key aspect for generating more traffic and attracting more people your way.  But how do you achieve this with new ecommerce sites being crated every day, and thousands…
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Magento Community Vs Enterprise: Added Costs?

When discussing the differences in Magento Community and Magento Enterprise versions of the platform one must take into consideration the circumstances of one’s business and also budget. Magento Community is free for download and usage and it suits the needs of small to medium stores. On the other hand Magento Enterprise pricing range starts from…
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Magento 2.0: What Do You Get Out of the Box

With Magento being one of the most popular ecommerce platforms around, the long awaited last year release of Magento 2.0 brought new features, extensions and some improvements in performance. Let’s take a look at what the new Magento 2.0 has to offer, and what you can get out of the box. Magento 2.0 Out of…
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OpenCart 2.0: What are the Benefits?

After its initial release, OpenCart 2.0 brought with itself some major and minor upgrades in features that made it more efficient to use. Though it had some issues with stability, like many platforms do, it still delivered on a strong note and showed improvement following its predecessor. Now let’s have a look at OpenCart 2.0…
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Magento vs OpenCart: You Decide

If you are an entrepreneur getting ready to start your e-commerce business there are decisions and questions you will have to face. When getting your business setup online, there are many different platforms to choose from so in choosing the one that suits your needs best, knowing the answer to some of these questions could…
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WordPress vs Drupal: Choosing the Best CMS!

Which One Has Better Functionality, Wordpress or Drupal? These days Wordpress has hit the market exponentially compared to Drupal 8, but does that mean Wordpress is better? Not exactly, when it comes to looking for the right open source programme for your project, you will need to look into what will get the job done in…
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5 reasons why your website should be accessible to all devices

If you don't already provide a mobile friendly version of your website then you should. It's as simple as that. But if you don't believe me, then here are five excellent facts to sway your opinion and why your website should be accessible to all devices. By mid 2013 mobile traffic accounted for over 15%…
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