4 trends in web design for 2015/16

4 trends in web design for 2015/16

In today's crowded marketplace everyone is always looking to be ahead of the game. Being

4 trends in web design for 2015/16

4 trends in web design for 2015/16

on the pulse with changing design trends can keep your site looking fresh and modern. Here are some top web design trends for 2015 into 2016 to keep your eye on.

1 – Quirky is cool

Quirky and offbeat illustrations can really make your site stand out and hand-drawn illustrations are becoming a big hit this year. They add a touch of originality and friendliness to your brand and can't be easily copied by your competitors. Whether you are in the Creative sector, are looking to open up your brand to a more creative audience, or are just not boring yourself, hand-drawn illustrations can give your site a quirky and memorable edge. Can't draw? That's fine. The world is full of freelance artists (Check out Tumblr or DeviantArt).

2 – Interactive storytelling

Giving a narrative to your website engages the user and makes them want to go deeper. Posing an interesting question immediately flicks the curiosity switch in our brains. Storytelling is one of the oldest traditions of our species and a well told story will always leave the reader wanting more. Your job as a marketer is to make them want more. Look for ways that your site map can be turned into a journey and create a narrative to engage the reader. At the very least, your won't be forgettable.

3 – High-quality images

If your site looks too plain or just a little too forgettable then try adding images to the background. It can be one eye-catching image that spans the entire page or even a series of photos that tell the story of your brand. Also think about what the images invoke for the reader. For example, a quiet beach or a a forest scene can conjure feelings of tranquility and peace. Think about the feeling you want to leave your visitors with.

4 – Focus on Typography

With Google Fonts trailblazing a explosion in Icon Fonts and Typography, more care is being taken in choosing fonts, font sizes and weighting. Its a small change that can be difficult and time-consuming but can make a massive difference in the overall look and perception of your site.

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